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Zhen Paï and Siberien Qigong

A synthesis of diverse Energy Arts with Chinese Qi Gong and Taoist traditions

Its principal idea is to enhance the capacity to feel the energy that is present in each one of us, so that manipulating all its diversity becomes evident and clear, almost material.

To feel, to distinguish and to develop the energy within and outside of the body,as well as in nature that surrounds us.To use it for your health and for your personal development. 

Read more : Difference of Siberian Qi Gong and other Energy Arts

1. The Universe: an energetic ocean

Everything around us is composed of energy, and although science has invented different instruments that measure energy’s fluxes and specters, what theses instruments measure is only a minute part of the energy field around us. Thousands of energetic fluxes constantly mingle, collide and enrich each other: they change, gaining strength or being destroyed, and these interactions cause new currents, new pulsations, new energetic configurations.

Just as the stars and planets radiate various energetic waves and impulses (thermal, electro-magnetic, gravitational), each material object on earth radiates and has its own specter of vibrations—its energetic autograph. This autograph corresponds to its specific material form, whether it be a building, a flower, a tree, a car, a bird, a human being, etc.

Matter is simply the densest form of energy. A material mass is the core of an energetic structure composed of several layers of varying density: it is at the center of an energetic “cloud”.

Within our universe, every object has two components: the first, which is dense and material, can also be further broken down, energetically speaking; the second, fine and elusive, is purely energetic. As is the case with all objects, humans comprise a material component, their physical body, and an energetic one, called the energy body. We will address this point later.

Each type of energy retains its stability due to an informational “matrix”, which constantly determines the density (dilation or constriction) of each point within a given energy field. It also determines their particularity, movement and speed, since the energy field is not homogeneous: it is composed of vortexes, fluxes and pulsations, which taken together form a unique structure, but which are in constant transformation. When the informational matrix is stable enough, it maintains the energy field’s equilibrium.

Although at first sight material objects seem static, physicists have long since demonstrated the mobility and constant exchanges among a molecule’s elementary particles—exchanges that renew to a greater or lesser degree the energy within material structures. When a structure is “new” its energy field has a greater potential for rotation and for transformation of certain parts within itself. Elementary particles exchange easily, using the surrounding energetic ocean, including its vortexes. Through constant energy exchanges, the entire structure remains fluid and mobile. The rhythm of this exchange is variable, and this is one determining factor for an object’s viability: not only is the rhythm by nature changeable, but it can also be perturbed or blocked, and this will have a direct influence on the energy field’s rotation.

We emphasize energetic exchanges because they are the key to our health. We know that several million cells die each minute in the human body, to be evacuated and replaced by new ones. In our organs, healthy tissues are constantly nourished by food and energy, but they must dispose of wastes and decomposition. If energy that has lost its active properties is quickly eliminated, and if material toxins are evacuated with it, before they have a destructive influence on tissues or function, then the organ will operate for a long time at maximum capacity.

If the system of elimination does not function properly, energetic and material toxins remain and are deposited in the organ. Little by little, they will deteriorate the tissues’ elasticity and the permeability of the cell’s membranes, which normally facilitates exchanges. This “poisoning” will appear first in certain spots, then will spread, and exchanges with other bodily functions will be damaged, worsening the tissues’ toxicity, and causing the organ’s illness.

At psychological and mental levels also, energy exchange is essential. More importantly, the slightest change on one of the levels influences the other two. Thus energy exchange is vital for our health.

Maintaining a good exchange energetically and physically is possible:

  1. By physical exercises that activate tissues and keep them mobile; that purify and increase circulation of all the body’s liquids (blood lymph, etc.).
  2. By energy exercises that stimulate and reinforce an organ’s energy field, or that of the entire body, enveloping it in fluid new energy.
  3. By regularly observing one’s own body, that precious mechanism on which our life depends. How do its separate parts function, and how does it function as a whole?

We must not let energy stagnate in certain zones of the body, but rather facilitate its normal course within the meridians. Energy is like water: transparent, active and powerful as it flows in mountain brooks; or passive, murky, even dead and mud-filled when it stagnates in a valley.

The blossoming of flowers

Qi Gong vs Shamanism

Conference of Victor Zalojnov
Quillan, 2014, France


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Workshops on "Xin Yi"
24-31 March 2018

Ile de Ré, France

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